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Great Alne Primary School

Performance Data

Attitudes to testing, data and assessment have shifted in recent years but we believe in supportive, understanding values when testing. Children will be prepared for statutory exams that they will experience throughout their education. Data is available for parents and visitors to analyse at

In 2022/23

Key Stage One (Year 1 and 2) 

In Year 1, 100% passed their Phonics Screening check.

77% of Year 2 children reached the expected standard or higher in Reading and Maths, whilst 62% reached the same standard in Writing.

Key Stage Two (Years 3-6) 

Year 6 children took end of Key Stage statutory tests in May 2023. As with the data above, the DfE looks at results using percentages for comparison, so do factor this in when looking through. Each child counts for 9.1%. (numbers are rounded in most cases)

In Reading 27% of these children achieved the greater-depth standard. A stunning achievement for those pupils. 64% achieved the expected standard. 

An above average 82% achieved the expected standard in Writing and 55% made the expected standard for Mathematics.

We have adopted White Rose Maths as our core maths scheme but also enrolled on the Mastering Number Project from September 2024 to develop our Maths in line with the National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics.

The DfE 'Analyse Data' module suggests the following warning: School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.

As always, data should be considered alongside a range of other information and conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone. 

However, we very much welcome your questions on the data, bearing in mind that beneath the numbers lie small groups of between 6 and 13 children with their own individual stories.

For questions on any data or assessment, please contact Mr Penn on