Great Alne Primary School
Our uniform arrangements have been developed to fully comply with the Equality Act 2010. Please contact us if you have any questions about the following.
Regular Uniform
- White polo shirt
- Maroon school round neck sweat shirt, embroidered with school logo or maroon school cardigan style sweat shirt
- Grey trousers, shorts, skirt, skort or pinafore
- Grey, black or white socks
- Black school shoes (not trainers)
- Pale-blue check dress (in summer)
- Pale blue school tee-shirt (this may also be embroidered with school badge)
- Maroon shorts
- Maroon or navy track suit
- Black pumps (KS 1 and 2)
- Trainers (KS2 only)
Additional Information
- All uniform must be named. A sharpie to add initials on the label is more than adequate.
- Long hair should be tied back to aid concentration and all hairstyles should be comfortable and appropriate for school.
- Jewellery - Children should only wear small, plain studs for pierced ears and wrist watches - both of which must be removed or covered for P.E.
- Children should always come dressed for the forecast weather.
- Make-up or nail varnish should not be worn in school.
- Children may wear caps or hats outdoors to help protect themselves from the sun or other adverse weather conditions. All headwear must be appropriate for in-school use.
- All children will need a named water bottle bought into school daily.
- Book-bags are available from the school office.
- Items embroidered with the Great Alne school logo are available from the School Uniform shop in Alcester, and also online from