Great Alne Primary School
Friends of School (F.o.S.)
Friends of Great Alne Primary School
Friends of School, or "FoS", is a group of parents and carers dedicated to fundraising for the little extras, which enhance the school experience for ALL of the children at Great Alne Primary.
Our team meets every half term to plan fun events for the coming weeks / months which aren't ordinarily part of the school curriculum.
Depending on the time of year this could include non-uniform days, discos, Easter egg hunts, class competitions and even our participation in community events such as the Alcester Santa Run and the St. Nicholas Night parade. You may have attended one of our incredible family 'Alne Fest' music festivals which showcased an incredible range of talent and supported many local businesses.
We also run a school lottery and raise money through parents signing up for the easyfundraising website, whereby shopping at retailers including Tesco, M&S, Ocado, Very, H&M, eBay and Booking.com pays us cashback when you shop online!
We are proud to have raised thousands of pounds and provided incredible experiences and equipment for the children at our school.
These include inflatable fun days, ice cream van visits, trips to Alton Towers, the Black Country Museum, Warwick Castle and Birmingham's Think Tank, plus coaches to Young Voices and the Panto at Palace Theatre. We funded our fabulous piano lab, which gives every child at Great Alne Primary the opportunity to learn to play piano for FREE, plus we have purchased state of the art AV equipment, tablets, art supplies and all sorts of games to make playtime more exciting!
We also run a pre-loved uniform "shop" where parents can take what they need from our stock of donated uniform which is all in excellent, clean condition. Monetary donations are appreciated but not compulsory, and this facility is available every day in the library foyer.
We are so grateful for the continued support from the parents and families of Great Alne Primary School, and the wider community. If you would like to get involved with future FoS events or have any suggestions for fundraising please email us on greatalnefos@hotmail.com or speak to one of our friendly team!
Who are we?
Chair - Suzy Holder/Jasmine Lewis (Joint)
Vice Chair - Jasmine Lewis
Treasurer - Kate McStrafick
Secretary - Suzy Holder
We also have a number of parents across all year groups that regularly help us out with events. If you’d like to join us, then either speak to the school office or drop us an email at greatalnefos@hotmail.com . People like to offer support in all different ways, so we appreciate not everyone wants to be a committee member. Any help you can give us is appreciated, be it helping to run or plan events or simple buying a disco or raffle ticket, it all helps. We also have a facebook page ‘Friends of Great Alne School’ where we share important information about upcoming events, successes from previous events as well as meeting dates.
We are a friendly bunch and have a ‘sociable’ meeting at least once a term, usually in the local pub! As well as having a few drinks and a chat, we agree events for the next few months as well as agreeing what we are funding/fundraising for. We would love you to come and join us.
Everything we do is for the children and it is so rewarding to see the smiles of the children’s faces at all the events and to hear their excited voices after we have funded something for them.